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Resident Artist:

Riah Dunton

Riah Dunton Bio:

Riah Dunton has always explored many different art mediums and her current fascination is painted handbags. After an enjoyable day of antique shopping and a collection of more handbags than was really needed, a thought came to mind…. Paint the purse!

With the love of art and want to restore, repurpose, and upcycle handbags, the new obsession started. Finding a variety of purses and wallets in great shape at resale and antique stores, the desire to recycle, reuse and repurpose them was strong. As an avid lover of art, thoughts were to paint famous artworks on handbags and it then evolved to adding original and art deco inspired designs to the collection. This takes artwork off the walls and allows the chance to carry around artwork (wearable, if you will). Wearable Art.

As she explores other mediums, graphite is sill the love of her life followed closely by acrylic painting, she wants more. Photography has been a hobby, a curiosity at best, but a desire nonetheless. Taking her camera on afternoon walks, she captures a moment in time. A moment the sun hits the building, a blossom just bursts, or a passing shadow that catchers her eye for a view that can’t be replicated. Chicago is a photographers dream with views like none other. Riah wants to memorialize architecture, art, nature, and time at that one instance that we can all enjoy.

instagram: @riahrmd
facebook: ri.dunton
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